Thank a Seattle Police Officer


Police work can be a tough and demanding job. Many times citizens under-appreciate the effort put forth by employees of the Seattle Police Department.

All of us at My Alarm Center Security support the fine work done by the Seattle Police. That’s why we encourage Seattle citizens to use the online “thank you” form on the City of Seattle website. It’s your way to give thanks to the police department employees and their supervisors for a job well-done.

There are also other great safety resources available to you from the Seattle Police Department. Some of our favorites include:

Other Seattle Police Department Items of Interest include:

  • Precinct Phone Numbers:

North Precinct (206) 684-0794
South Precinct (206) 386-9180
East Precinct (206) 684-4370
West Precinct (206) 684-8996
Southwest Precinct (206) 615-1976

We encourage your complete support of the Seattle Police Department. Thank an officer for their good work today!